Step 5: Conduct Your Investigation


With your detailed experimental procedure in hand, you are almost ready to start your science experiment. But before you begin there are still a few more things to do:

Know what to do. Read and understand your experimental procedure. Are all of the necessary steps written down? Do you have any questions about how to do any of the steps?

Get a laboratory notebook for taking notes and collecting data

Be prepared. Collect and organize all materials, supplies and equipment you will need to do the experiment. Do you have all of the materials you need? Are they handy and within reach of your workspace?

Think ahead about safety! Are there any safety precautions you should take? Will you need adult supervision? Will you need to wear gloves or protective eye gear? Do you have long hair that needs to be pulled back out of your face? Will you need to be near a fire extinguisher?

Prepare a data table in your laboratory notebook to help you collect your data. A data table will ensure that you are consistent in recording your data and will make it easier to analyze your results once you have finished your experiment.

If possible, take pictures of your experiment along the way, these will later help you explain what you did and enhance your display for the science fair.

What Makes a Good Science Experiment?

For a Good Science Experiment, You Should Answer "Yes" to Every Question

1. Did you take detailed notes about your observations and record them in your laboratory notebook? Y

2.  Did you collect your data using a data table?

3. Were you consistent, careful, and accurate when you made your measurements?

4. Were you careful to insure that your controlled variables remained constant so as not to affect your results?

5. If you ran into any unexpected problems, did you adjust your experimental procedure accordingly?