Step 10: A Winning Presentation!

Are you frightened of speaking in front of people? Many people are. Even so, getting up in front of others to tell them about your Science Project is an important step.

When you finish your Science Project you will be asked to summarize everything you did and learned and to present this information to your teacher and peers.

Presentation tips:

1. Write down some key points on note cards. If you lose your train of thought during your presentation, simply pause to glance at them in order to help get you back on track. Do NOT read from them.

2. Start early. A good presentation is the result of a lot of practice. Reherse at home in front of a mirror and in front of family members as well.

3. Make sure your voice is clear and that you enunciate (pronounce the words) clearly.

4. Make and keep eye contact with your audience.

5. Keep your head up.

6. Don’t shift back and forth on your feet. Either plant your feet solid and stand still, or, if you want to move, do so purposefully. 

7. Keep track of your hands. Don’t fidget.

8. Use your display as a helpful prop. Point to key components on the display, but DON'T read from it like a script.

9. Avoid verbal clutter ("um", "er", "like", "ya know" etc.). 

10. Be prepared and able to answer questions about your research. Know your project inside and out.